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This guide walks you through installing the Solana (X1) tools and Tachyon v2.0.

1. Install Tachyon v2.0 and Solana tools

X1 uses Solana tools to interact with the network. Tachyon v2.0 is the X1 validator client.

Terminal window
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

2: Verify the installation

Terminal window
solana --version
tachyon-validator --version

If you see the versions listed below, the installation was successful:

solana-cli 2.0.XX (src:00000000; feat:XXXXXXXXXXXX, client:Tachyon)
tachyon-validator 2.0.XX (src:00000000; feat:XXXXXXXXXXXX, client:Tachyon)

3: Generate a Solana Keypair

Terminal window
solana-keygen new

4: Connect to the X1 Testnet

Terminal window
solana config set --url